Thursday, October 17, 2013

Star Wars Episode 1

 I came across this video while checking on some of my students work.
I sort of remember a student asking me some questions about the work I did at ILM on this old film.
Anyway, here's a picture and a link.

Episode 1 trailer/interview
Star Wars Episode 1 - Sculpting "Beggars Canyon"

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Concept Art Doodles.

 A concept artist is someone who generates ideas and communicates them visually.
Concept art can be expressive and abstract, not just realistic.
Studying the "real" enables you to create believable designs with the added ingredient of your imagination.
In the world of Pre-Production for any creative project ( films, games, etc.) concept art is where it all begins.
I'm teaching concept art this term at the college.
When I get a spare moment I scribble out random ideas and character sketches.
Commonly known as "phone doodles" in times past.
 Let them out swift, refine them later...
"Quick and dirty - Fast and loose."

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Giant Thorny Walking Stick

 I took the drawing class on the field trip to the zoo again today.
The day was hot so I hung out in the bug room.
Always a strange smell in there but ...
Here's a new drawing of a Giant Thorny Walking Stick.
 I'll be posting more new stuff soon.( I've been busy.)

( Alien life is here, at our feet, in our backyards.)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Zoo Animals

 Back at the zoo the other day.
The drawing class field trip, again.
I take the students there to help build their visual library for future creature concept design.
I go because I like the animals.
 I've been there more times than I can count but I always find something that draws the attention.
(Then I draw it.)
A good exercise in selective concentration. ( Focus.)
Here's a few new sketches.

Winged Walking Stick


Golden Frog
Elephant Head

Friday, April 26, 2013

Figure Sculpture & Mold Making.

 I'm a sculptor by trade so I thought I should post some sculpture and related topics.
Creating a sculpture from clay is just the beginning of the process.
Besides the basic principles of form, anatomy, modeling, visual clarity, and organic unity,
a well rounded sculptor knows armature building, mold making,
casting, welding, metal finishing, patinas, etc.
 "Within its contours the statue stands alone."
 Here is a recent1/5 scale clay figure sculpture I completed..
Next comes mold making.
In the images you can see the basic sequence of the clay up, first silicone layer,
subsequent layers, and the mother mold.
I'll be putting more sculpture, techniques, and related anecdotes up as they occur.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Jennings McCown - Figure Drawing

                                                          Well, Jennings McCown, one of the best male 
Jennings McCown - 12'' x 18''
 models in the Bay Area had a bad injury.
 He's a circus performer and a great anatomical specimen..
Seems he tore his right subscapularis from the insertion into the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the anterior part of the shoulder - joint capsule. Ouch!
Here's a quick figure drawing I did of him right before the injury.
Hopefully he will have a speedy and full recovery from surgery.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zoo Trip.

Went to the Zoo with the drawing class the other day, knocked out a few quick sketches.
I always try and draw a few animals and at least one insect while I'm there.
It's good practice.