Monday, August 4, 2014

Life Drawing - Portraits

 Most schools are off for the summer, not this one.
We keep them working year round.
A short break in So Cal and now back to teaching the digital age how to move a pencil.
One of the many problems students face in life drawing is placing facial features and establishing character.
I have found it useful to start beginners out with drawing a profile.
 It helps them to understand that the face is not set on a flat plane.
Single source lighting allows you to see the edges and contours more clearly than in the front and 3/4 views.
  A couple of new models. Becky and Inky,  came in to pose this week.

These are a few quick demos done in class, about 20 minutes each.

Becky -  14" x 12"

Inky - 14"x 12"



Koyote Joe aka Joe Segrest - 14" x 12"
The last drawing I did of Koyote Joe before his untimely passing. R.I.P.