Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rodin - The Three Shades

 I take my Design class to the Art Museum every term and I always knock out a few sketches while I'm there.
 Often the museum is crowded so I find somewhere unobtrusive to stand and draw.
The Legion of Honor in San Francisco has a huge Rodin sculpture collection ( thanks to Alma de Bretteville Spreckels ) including the full size Three Shades sculpted for The Gates of Hell.
Generally the museum visitors are looking at the front of the sculptures so there is no one around on the backside.
I've stood around back on a few separate occasions and done some sketches.
The last time I was there I was approached by a museum guard.
 I assumed he wanted to look at my drawing.
 Instead he admonished me for inadvertently dropping a pencil.
 He said it could possibly cause injury to a guest.
 So, I picked it up.

Here are some sketches - The Three Shades by Aguste Rodin.